Let’s transform the lives of women and girls, together!
We’ve created a community of BIPOC women and girls who walk in their purpose, pursue their passions and own their personal power to realize their full potential.
We curate high-demand programs that motivate, inspire and transform the lives of women and girls!

15 JANUARY 2025
Our signature top-of-the-year event for women to make a public announcement, bold declaration and bold intention for what the year 2025 will bring. Join us if this is for you!

25 JANUARY 2025
In partnership with Drexel’s APEx Team, youth girls from I Choose To Win will serve as student judges for the diversity in medical research symposium.

30 JANUARY 2025
Cultiv8 Hope, a storytelling contest which aims to provide high school students (ages 14-18) with an opportunity to activate their voices and share what HOPE means.

22 FEBRUARY 2025
Wow! We’re celebrating 10 Years of Service and we are going to celebrate over brunch. At this private event with key stakeholders, we will share our gratitude & vision for future.

1 MARCH 2025
Our Founder Melonie Butler will be the keynote speaker at the UCAC Delta Sigma Theta’s annual conference I’m Every Woman with the theme Transcend for 2025.

14 MARCH 2025
Let’s Bloom Together! Carve time to be away in the mountains to be “still,” be “watered” and grow with intention alongside a small group of women.
Helping women & girls believe in their Power & Potential
I Choose to Win is a narrative-shifting, power-building and transformational 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in the Philadelphia area. We’re helping women and girls rise up from a defeated, deflated and diminished sense of self attributed to social injustices directly or indirectly caused by capitalism, racism, and sexism, to take their power back and be the change they wish to see in the world! We’ve built our programs to develop women and girls as leaders, while also forging a pathway toward economic independence.
Our approach is to shift mindsets, upgrade narratives, build a sense of personal power for women and girls to make positive choices and chart new paths in favor of victorious living – Becoming who they only dreamt they could one day become! In 2023, we served more than 575 participants over 18 events in the greater Philadelphia area and beyond. With more than 21 volunteers and 8 partner organizations, we are passionate about helping women and girls believe in the wild possibility that is them fully engaged with their life, realizing their potential to lead and own. We’re talking about leading themselves and their paths to personal fulfillment, AND owning their time, their choices and their businesses.

By partnering with women and girls on a journey of self-discovery, we help them better understand & factor in identity-based choices and decision-making. Our choices are reflections of how we identify ourselves.

By promoting asset activation & positive visualization, we inspire hope and set a plan of action for women and girls to unleash their gifts to positively impact the world. Leadership development begins with personal development.

By building a community of BIPOC women and girls who believe in the wild possibility of their futures, we capitalize on resource sharing on the path of entrepreneurship. We are positioning women for equity and ownership.
I won’t give up. I won’t give in. I believe in my purpose, power & potential. In life, I choose to WIN!

85% Women Disengaged
85% of women opt out of important life events because they are not confident –

67% Women Lack Confidence
67% of women said they needed support building confidence to be leaders. – KPMG Women’s Leadership Institute

70% Girls Are Struggling
7 in 10 girls believe that they are not good enough or don’t measure up in some way. –
Our impact
Influencing more than 8,300 women and girls in 10 years to make positive choices and shift their life trajectories as they develop as leaders.
What Folks Are Saying

Thank you so much. Putting my intentions out there into the atmosphere has helped give me even more laser-like focus. I appreciate what you are doing for folks like me. - A. Westfield

"I recommend Melonie Butler and the I Choose To Win Team for retreats. Before the end of the first ice breaker, Melonie had the teens fully engaged. All sessions were very organized and relevant. The teenagers left with a better self image and tools to help them on their journey."

You were Amazing! Based on the line of women you spoke with after the discussion, your advice, guidance and input on the topic was fantastic! I especially enjoyed your passion and willingness to share that the journey isn't always easy, but one must follow their spirit."

You blew them away! They loved your seminar so much. Thank you for joining us and inspiring the women."