What we do:


Programs to Edify, Empower & Equip

I Choose To Win programming focuses heavily on helping its audience understand the impact and correlation of an optimistic mindset, intentional decision making, and developing positive habits toward forward-focused action steps and, ultimately, improved identity and life outcomes on a path toward leadership development and economic independence.

It’s our goal to cause women and girls to recognize their personal power to make choices in favor of boldly, bravely and brilliantly unleashing their God-given gifts to impact the world – fully engaged with life and valuing their contributions as necessary for the betterment of our community. This may look like walking in their purpose and pursuing their passions in order to realize their full potential.

I Choose To Win envisions a world where every woman and girl recognizes her personal power, walks confidently in her purpose, and pursues passions to realize her full potential.

We are dedicated to building confidence, personal courage, and awakening a sense of purpose, fostering an environment where faith and belief in oneself activate positive action steps.

Together, we rise above hindrances, barriers, and obstacles, empowering each other to win in life and make a lasting impact on the world. We confront these barriers to winning by equipping women with strategies and tools on their journey to win in life.

Then, assist them with taking intentional action steps toward the life they envisioned.

Signature Programs by I Choose To Win

1 WINNING WORKSHOPS Virtual or in-person One-Day Events for a multi-generational audience with a theme or topic related to developing its audience as leaders or educating about entrepreneurship 3-5 x per year
3 WIN FROM WITHIN RETREATS Theme-based, multi-day, overnight event for adult women with workshops scheduled throughout at a venue destination. Each retreat has an objective to meet Quarterly
8 I’M READY TO CHOOSE CONFERENCE Inspirational conference held for an audience of multi-generational women for either a full or half day, with targeted speakers, fresh experiences and opportunities to connect women to one another and to resources. Biennial
6 IT’S MY TIME COHORT 5-week program with meetings, challenges and homework assigned weekly Fall and Spring
5 EMPOWERED UTH COHORT 5-week program with meetings, challenges and homework assigned weekly Spring
4 CONNECTIONS School-based partnership to reach BIPOC students with positive messaging around identity, connecting students to themselves, opportunities and community Monthly
logo-maker-with-a-glitch-effect-for-streaming-services-814a-el1 CULTIV8 HOPE Cultiv8 Hope: An initiative reaching high school students age 14-18, grades 9 - 12, with an opportunity to activate youth voices by weighing in on what HOPE means to them Winter & Spring

I Choose To Win's 10 Key Areas:

Focus: Vision Casting

  • We guide women and girls in envisioning their future with clarity and purpose.
  • Through vision casting, we inspire individuals to set meaningful goals and pursue their dreams.

Self-Discovery: Introspective Reflection

  • Our programs encourage deep introspective reflection to foster self-awareness.
  • Participants engage in activities that promote self-discovery, unlocking their strengths and passions.

Mindset: Mindset Shift

  • We facilitate a mindset shift from limiting beliefs to empowering perspectives.
  • Empowering women and girls to overcome challenges through a positive and growth-oriented mindset.

Narrative: Narrative Revision

  • We empower individuals to rewrite their life narratives, focusing on resilience and triumph.
  • Through narrative revision, participants develop a more empowering and optimistic view of their journey.

Goals: Goal Setting

  • We assist women and girls in setting SMART goals aligned with their vision.
  • Goal-setting workshops provide practical tools for turning dreams into actionable and achievable objectives.

Choices: Intentional and Strategic Decision-Making

  • We emphasize intentional and strategic decision-making for positive life outcomes.
  • Participants learn to make choices aligned with their values and long-term aspirations.

Attitude: Optimistic Attitude

  • Cultivating an optimistic attitude is a cornerstone of our approach.
  • Through motivational sessions, we instill a positive outlook that fuels resilience in the face of challenges.

Behavior: Action Planning

  • We empower individuals to translate goals into actionable steps through strategic action planning.
  • Action-oriented workshops guide participants in taking tangible steps toward their desired outcomes.

Habits: Evaluate Daily Habits

  • Our programs include tools to evaluate and adjust daily habits for personal growth.
  • Participants gain insights into how habits shape their lives and are equipped to cultivate positive daily routines.

Tribe: Community & Accountability

  • We foster a sense of community, providing a supportive tribe for shared experiences. 
  • We offer post-cohort surveys to understand program  impact over time for participants.

Accountability structures within our programs ensure that women and girls receive encouragement and guidance from like-minded individuals on their journey. It’s a safe space to belong and feel complete acceptance as we work on ourselves and our next steps. 

I Choose To Win's Overview At-A-Glance: