September 2018

Our Mission: I Choose To Win

Since we have been operational for over three years, we want to take a moment to re-share our mission for anyone who may know of our organization, but not fully understand our mission. Our Mission: I Choose To Win is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, motivational and inspirational organization that seeks to edify, empower and equip women on their journey to live a life of winning (aka boldly, bravely and brilliantly unleashing their God-given gifts to impact the world). Comprised of programming, messaging, social networks and publications, I Choose To Win showcases, highlights and promotes positive images and stories of women who are winning.          The Phrase: “I Choose To Win” I Choose To Win is a bold statement of victory. It is a clear announcement of one’s expectation out of life. It is the realization that winning in life begins with a choice, followed by an attitude and accompanied by a series of actions. Together, let’s redefine what it means to win in life – and live a life of winning together! The Program: At I Choose To Win, we believe each and every person is intentional. We believe that every woman is here to fulfill a divinely-appointed purpose, possess power to accomplish her purpose and, when intentional operating in her gifts, realize their God-given potential. We believe each of us has significance beyond our natural understanding. More tangibly, we possess unique gifts, talents and perspectives that make us special and essential. When we operate in absolute authenticity, we get closer to finding out exactly who we are and what we were meant to do. And when awakened to that, it is up to us, individually, to choose in favor of victorious living, aka winning! We developed motivational and inspirational programming that seeks to edify, empower and equip women on their journey to win in life. We help individuals awaken to their purpose and we partner with those who choose to pursue their passion, in an effort to glorify God.  We challenge women to reach their fullest potential. Through multiple creative paths of self-exploration and intimate group settings do we accomplish this. Program Themes Include: Love God, Love Self, Love Others Be Bold, Brave and Brilliant Unapologetically Me Victim2Victor: Mindset Shift Unraveling the Mystery of Me Winning: Mindset. Heart set. Life set. Women edifying Women For more details about our program, visit our Programs Page. To learn more, or to inquire of our unique approach, contact us.

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BE . . . Bold, Brave and Brilliant!

I want to encourage women to be bold, brave and brilliant. What do I mean by that, you ask? Read on.        BE BOLD Being bold is not being loud, bossy, rude, pushy or obnoxious. It’s not drawing attention to yourself to satisfy an insatiable need to have all eyes on you or every ear awaiting your thoughts. It’s bigger and better than that. It is being convinced, convicted and confident in whose you are and the purpose placed in you. It’s being okay with who you are by design and being unapologetic about being exactly who you are. Be bold and win! BE BRAVE Being brave is not being overly aggressive, in-your-face or bully-like. It’s releasing courage in the face of conflict, injustice and undeniable obstacles that appear greater than your known propensity to deal. It’s not knowing the outcome, but doing the “right” thing while you have a chance. It’s standing up for something you believe in, even if you are standing alone. It’s you in most environments when you are made to feel small, but you leave satisfied knowing you spoke up, stood up and did what you must. Be brave and win! BE BRILLIANT Being brilliant is not being a know-it-all, smarty-pants or rocket scientist. Not at all. Being brilliant is truly a command, because you cannot achieve brilliance on your own. It is the shining of your inner spirit that creates the glow, which illuminates from within and permeates your environment for others to bear witness. Brilliance brightens the world. It’s knowing and loving God. It’s loving yourself. It’s loving others. It’s light. It’s beautifully majestic. It’s attractive. It’s an irrefutable glow. Be brilliant and win! By design, we have been custom-built to achieve a purpose of significance, which we are on mission to discover and uncover throughout our lifetime. Until such time when our purpose has been fulfilled, every living moment becomes part of a bigger journey. And every journey leaves a trail of experiences that help to define the gifts, talents, skills and perspectives placed in us that will cause us to be effective for the purpose placed in our lives. Once revealed, it’s up to us to unleash our gifts for God’s glory. Do not shrink back in fear. Do not diminish the significance of that gift. Do not play it down. Do not lack confidence. Do not be conformed. Be bold, brave and brilliant. In doing this, you will also find yourself confident, intentional and effective. Give 100% effort every time. Whether that is speaking, singing, teaching, serving, laboring, playing an instrument, leading or healing – do your absolute best as unto the Lord. The hidden treasures that await are joy, excitement, internal satisfaction, greater meaning and inexplicable peace. Sincerely, Melonie Butler, I Choose To Win

BE . . . Bold, Brave and Brilliant! Read More »