August 2015

Be Bold, Brave & Brilliant!

BE BOLD Being bold is not being loud, bossy, rude, pushy or obnoxious. It’s not drawing attention to yourself to satisfy an insatiable need to have all eyes on you or every ear awaiting your thoughts. It’s bigger and better than that. It is being convinced, convicted and confident in whose you are and the purpose placed in you. It’s being okay with who you are by design and being unapologetic about being exactly who you are. Be bold and win! BE BRAVE Being brave is not being overly aggressive, in-your-face or bully-like. It’s releasing courage in the face of conflict, injustice and undeniable obstacles that appear greater than your known propensity to deal. It’s not knowing the outcome, but doing the “right” thing while you have a chance. It’s standing up for something you believe in, even if you are standing alone. It’s you in most environments when you are made to feel small, but you leave satisfied knowing you spoke up, stood up and did what you must. Be brave and win! BE BRILLIANT Being brilliant is not being a know-it-all, smarty-pants or rocket scientist. Not at all. Being brilliant is truly a command, because you cannot achieve brilliance on your own. It is the shining of your inner spirit that creates the glow, which illuminates from within and permeates your environment for others to bear witness. Brilliance brightens the world. It’s knowing and loving God. It’s loving yourself. It’s loving others. It’s light. It’s beautifully majestic. It’s attractive. It’s an irrefutable glow. Be brilliant and win! By design, you have been custom-built to achieve a purpose of significance, which you are on mission to discover and uncover throughout your lifetime. Until such time when your purpose has been fulfilled, every living moment becomes part of a bigger journey. And every journey leaves a trail of experiences that help to define the gifts, talents, skills and perspectives placed in you that will cause you to be effective in His purpose for your life. Once revealed, it’s up to you to unleash your gifts for God’s glory. Do not shrink back in fear. Do not diminish the significance of that gift. Do not play it down. Do not lack confidence. Do not be conformed. Be bold, brave and brilliant. In doing this, you will also find yourself confident, intentional and effective. Give 100% effort every time. Whether that is speaking, singing, teaching, serving, laboring, playing an instrument, leading or healing – do your absolute best as unto the Lord. The hidden treasures that await you include joy, excitement, internal satisfaction, greater meaning and inexplicable peace.

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The moment you say, “I’m Done!”

The moment you realize that winning and losing is not only an outcome, but more importantly a choice, is the moment when you’re confronted with the decision to choose. Win or Lose? In life, let’s choose to win. Believe it or not, we choose everyday, several times per day how we will approach the day, the attitude we have during the day, the tasks we will complete within the day and how much we expect from ourselves before the close of the day. The will to win in any task begins first with a choice. It’s followed quickly by an attitude that anticipates the completion of the task. Then, it requires the actions of undertaking the task. Before you know it, upon the completion of each small task, you experience a life of winning. Over and over again. It’s as simple as these three steps: First, Choose. Next, Align your attitude. Last, Complete the actions required to experience the WIN! Winning is realizing the potential within you for greatness. With God being your creator, and understanding that He purposed each of us with a task for His Glory, then we each possess a bit of greatness within us, for God is grand, almighty and awesome. His victory is ours, if we believe – and live it out. When we believe this – and can honestly say, “I’m Done. I’m done living complacently; wanting more and accepting less. I’m done giving excuses, procrastinating and telling myself ‘I can’t.’ No More ignoring my inner voice and suppressing my passion. I will no longer wonder ‘what if?’ because I’m ready to find out. I’m all in, in life, I choose to win! If this is you, welcome. We are here for you! Join us.

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Let’s redefine winning!

I Choose To Win challenges the idea of what it means to win in this life. Utilizing a compilation of introspective activities and employing creativity as a path toward self-exploration, the program comprises the following: Open-ended questioning, Journaling, Active Imagining, Public Announcement, Music Listening, Dancing, Photography and biblical scriptural engagement for each young woman to frame for herself what a winning life looks like. With no judgment cast, we help each woman carve the path she believes will get her to win in life. It begins with a choice, then an attitude and both come together to determine the appropriate actions for winning to ensue. I Choose To Win creates a pathway to channel the energy required to achieve the goal – winning. Program leaders and participants become a support system for those who choose in favor of winning.

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It’s all in LOVE: God, Self, Others

Love God, Love Oneself, Love Others With an upward, inward and outward focus, I Choose To Win challenges women to love God completely, to love themselves correctly and love others compassionately. With a love-centered heart, our gifts are unleashed with power in every environment we are placed. Having a love-centered focus, we encourage women to see themselves, not as society does, but as God does: light, courage, salt and victorious. With this transition of mindset, we shift from being focused on our societal value of outward appearance, monetary gain, political affiliation and social status, to a spiritual value of eternal significance and impactful for God’s purpose. Also, by believing these, we put to death the sour fruit of self-consciousness, insecurities, self-image issues and jealousy. Women begin to see themselves as intentional, purposeful, bold, brave and brilliant. They become unapologetic about their existence – and become game changers as a result. These young women become future leaders, community mothers, decision makers, entrepreneurs, spiritual peacemakers, activists, advocates and such. These women are passionate, on fire for God and highly effective in their ministry (whether that’s art, music, family, leadership, serving, laboring, advocating, comforting, etc.).

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