January 20, 2018 – Philadelphia, PA – Women elected to gather and publicly proclaim a bold intention for the year at I Choose To Win’s 2018 Bold Intentions Conversation this past Saturday, January 20th at D-Hive. It was a pleasure to spend an afternoon in a meaningful way connecting people on mission to live a more authentic, engaged life. One-by-one, we each walked up to the podium with some measure of truth on our tongue about what we wanted to share, and we did just that. Without trying, it seemed as though the personal intentions we individually brought could be wrapped into a theme of “Authenticity!” Believing in ourselves, loving ourselves well, getting out of our own way, fully engaging life, cherishing the creation we are, honoring the truth of our stories, savoring present moments, and genuinely celebrating others. Not to mention the more tangible intentions to start a business and write a book. These are beautiful possibilities for all of us if we are, as we’ve collectively discussed, intentional about guarding and protecting our minds and hearts from limiting beliefs and negative thinking, which we expounded upon in great detail. Click here for pictures. Join us next year. Or, for our next event.