June 2017

EXPLORE U! Launching July 2017. Sign Up Now.

June 2017 – Introducing EXPLORE U, a membership program that offers adult women an opportunity to intentionally explore who they are by God’s design. The EXLORE U curriculum seeks to awaken women to a love of self, a renewed sense of purpose (fulfillment in living), and an ignited fire-in-the-belly spirit in an attempt to cause these women to re-engage life with vigor, enthusiasm and a made up mind toward winning, as we’ve defined, boldly, bravely, and brilliantly unleashing their God-given gifts to positively impact the world. EXPLORE U offers a safe space for women to use their imagination, brainstorm ideas and share unproven thoughts, try something again, be a novice and explore freely. Its no judgment zone encourages women to just “be” and in it, honesty, transparency and vulnerabilities flow freely, fostering a safe space and sense of community. This program will cost participants approximately $150 for a year-long set of small group workshops facilitated by I Choose To Win before embarking upon mini adventures to learn the areas that awaken us to our voice, passion and purpose. With a committed small group of like-minded women on similar journeys, each member will choose which opportunities to engage and embark upon based on their areas of interest, including but not limited to the following: (Each of these activities will be offered at a rate agreed upon by the service provider and I Choose To Win, based on interest and volume.) Acting Pottery Poetry/Open Mic Songwriting/Voice Coaching/Recording Studio Time Dance Instruction/Dance Studio Time Speaking Coach Instruction Fitness Bootcamp Photography/Modeling Fashion Design Writing/Author’s Workshop Program Development Quiet Retreat It’s like a camp for grown women who want to sample this, or try at that without committing to any of it for any length of time. The EXPLORE U curriculum is designed to first build the women up to go at it with their whole heart through its workshops, followed by the lineup of activities for women to try for either the first time – or first time in years. More information will be available in July 2017. CLICK HERE TO PRE-REGISTER.  

EXPLORE U! Launching July 2017. Sign Up Now. Read More »

2017 Gear: On SALE Featured Metallic Racerback ONLY $18. Act NOW.

June 2017 – As part of our fundraising strategy, you can support our mission by purchasing merchandise you’d love and messaging we want to share with the world. Include our Teddy Bear Encourager to travel with your college graduate to remind her she is Bold, Brave and Brilliant.     Check out our online store at https://www.customizedgirl.com/s/ichoosetowin. A small percentage of all sales are returned to our organization. Thank you in advance for sporting our gear – and supporting our mission! Get yours today.

2017 Gear: On SALE Featured Metallic Racerback ONLY $18. Act NOW. Read More »