January 2018

Introducing . . . IChooseToWin.TV

January 2018 — We are pleased to announce the beginning phases of development for the new video magazine we plan to launch in place of our print magazine, entitled ichoosetowin.tv. This online, video magazine will feature and showcase women who winning in life. It will tell the backstory of their decision-making and stories of overcoming as a means of encouragement and inspiration for those women who are on similar journeys. Continue to follow us and learn more by visiting ichoosetowin.tv. We are excited to transition to a new medium in sharing our messages that continue to carryout our mission, which is to edify, empower and equip women to win in life. Additionally, you will get visual glimpses of our program through recap videos displayed. Stay tuned. If you would love to volunteer your time, professional services and skills to help push this project to new heights, please contact Melonie@ichoosetowin.org. We will be looking for guest hosts, correspondences and interviewers. And, we will be seeking video editing professionals interested in supporting our efforts on a volunteer basis.  

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Bold Intentions: Ready, Set . . . Let’s Get it 2018!

January 20, 2018 – Philadelphia, PA – Women elected to gather and publicly proclaim a bold intention for the year at I Choose To Win’s 2018 Bold Intentions Conversation this past Saturday, January 20th at D-Hive. It was a pleasure to spend an afternoon in a meaningful way connecting people on mission to live a more authentic, engaged life. One-by-one, we each walked up to the podium with some measure of truth on our tongue about what we wanted to share, and we did just that. Without trying, it seemed as though the personal intentions we individually brought could be wrapped into a theme of “Authenticity!” Believing in ourselves, loving ourselves well, getting out of our own way, fully engaging life, cherishing the creation we are, honoring the truth of our stories, savoring present moments, and genuinely celebrating others. Not to mention the more tangible intentions to start a business and write a book. These are beautiful possibilities for all of us if we are, as we’ve collectively discussed, intentional about guarding and protecting our minds and hearts from limiting beliefs and negative thinking, which we expounded upon in great detail. Click here for pictures. Join us next year. Or, for our next event. 

Bold Intentions: Ready, Set . . . Let’s Get it 2018! Read More »

Cheers to 3 Years: Join Us 2/22 for Happy Hour

Men and Women are extended this invitation to join us and raise our glasses “Cheers to 3 Years!” Register Now Join us as we celebrate our 3-year anniversary soiree at Stratus Rooftop Lounge. We will celebrate three years of service edifying, empowering and equipping women to win in life. Let’s dance and raise our glasses to striving, grinding, trusting, believing and making things happen in 2018. For all women overcoming obstacles and realizing their greatness by living their purpose, pursuing their passions and unlocking their potential – C H E E R S! We hope you join us. This is a ticketed, fundraiser event. No refunds. This is not a women only event. This is also for the men who support these women. Fellas, see you there. Admission includes ONE raffle ticket. Raffle Prizes include: Movie Passes (2), Gift Cards, Overnight getaways and more. A percentage of Stratus Rooftop sales benefit I Choose To Win. Register Now

Cheers to 3 Years: Join Us 2/22 for Happy Hour Read More »

Explore U: Modeling 2018 “Unapologetically Me!”

I Choose to Win will host this fun, unique and special workshop on January 28, 2018 from 3-6 pm at D-Hive as part of its newly launched: Explore U! Led by facilitator Richii and shot by photographer Nikki Lenore, participants will embark upon a journey of self-exploration and self-love and appreciation immediately before a photographic application. Our participants will deliver the true essences of themselves as we explore the freedom and promise in being “Unapologetically Me!” Come prepare to fall in love with the person in your photos. Workshop Description: Want to see yourself as the most ideal subject to tell your story through visual images? Join us to hear from our model facilitator who will share the importance of being authentic behind the camera to deliver the best photos that will tell your unique story in images. Ready to put the selfies aside and be captured professionally?  Interested in joining us? Visit exploreUphilly.com for more information. Registration required. Cost is $55 per person. Includes workshop session, photo shoot and up to 10 edited images of your favorite shots. Click here to register.

Explore U: Modeling 2018 “Unapologetically Me!” Read More »


Happy New Year. Welcome 2018 with a Bold Intention. Register Here for this free event. Let’s join together in a quiet space to engage in intimate dialogue & publicly state ONE BOLD INTENTION we are trusting God for in 2018. If it’s your intention for 2018 to do something ridiculously bold, requiring audacious faith, join us. This is a workshop to edify, empower and equip you on mission to win. We will discuss vision casting, action planning and share resources to ensure we have what we need to deliver on our bold intentions.  We are women who will come together to support one another, identify ways to overcome internal struggles and beat personal barries and beliefs that limit us. We edify, empower and equip one another on our respective journeys to WIN in life. Together, we WIN. Reservation is Required. Seating is limited to 12 participants. Women Only. Free Event. (Donations Accepted) Last year, several women made bold intentions to start a blog, write a book and launch a new business. And these women did just that at the “I am. I will. 2017 Bold Intentions Event.” To get a glimpse, check out the photos from last year’s Bold Intentions Session. Click to view photos. Learn more at ichoosetowin.org. Or, visit us @ichoosetowin on instagram.

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